Why ChatGPT Can't Replace Human Training

Recently, there’s been a lot of talk regarding what ChatGPT, the AI chatbot with capabilities ranging from simple question answering to comprehensive written content creation, can do for our fitness. Indeed, it can create detailed workout plans with specific steps that adhere closely to your request. However, the notion that it will replace personal trainers and group workouts is greatly exaggerated. Here’s why:

First and foremost, there are some issues with using ChatGPT for an exercise plan. Unless someone is a fitness enthusiast or a personal trainer, they are unlikely to know what to ask ChatGPT or what its answers mean. As a result, they will follow a fitness program (from ChatGPT) that isn’t tailored to them, and they may use poor form or get injured. Moreover, ChatGPT lacks some of the skills that a personal trainer possesses, like (the trainer) helping their clients develop, adapt, and learn safely (Hopes, 2023).

In addition, when people work out using ChatGPT, they lose out on the social benefits of gym exercise. For example, group fitness is an effective way for someone to be held accountable for their workout goals. Exercising alongside others creates a social obligation that serves as a reason to get active (Nicole, 2018). Similarly, working out with others is motivating and it allows each individual in the group to push each other more than they could push themselves. This is especially important for those who struggle with physical activity (Nicole, 2018). Furthermore, joining group sessions is a great way for people to meet new, like-minded individuals who are committed to a healthy lifestyle just like them. This has positive implications for their well-being as loneliness promotes stress, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and substance abuse (Nicole, 2018). Finally, group workouts (which you can only really find at a gym) improve both people’s self-confidence and reliability, because it allows them to take pride in their physical abilities and heightens their energy levels, respectively. These social benefits can’t be overstated (The Physiological, 2016)(5 Social, n.d.).

Therefore, if you have the resources to join a gym or exercise with a trainer, you should! Although it might be tempting to use ChatGPT in lieu of a group class or trainer, it can’t replace the personalized plan and skills provided by a trainer or the positive social aspects of a gym. 


5 Social Benefits of Exercise That Might Surprise You. (n.d.). Planet Fitness. https://www.planetfitness.com/community/articles/5-social-benefits-exercise-might-surprise-you

Hopes, S. (2023, February 23). I asked ChatGPT to build me a 4-week workout program -- here's what it missed. tom's guide. Retrieved May 24, 2023, from https://www.tomsguide.com/news/i-asked-chatgpt-to-build-me-a-4-week-workout-program-heres-what-it-missed

Nicole. (2018, August 14). The Social Benefits of Exercise. HealthyLife. Retrieved May 24, 2023, from https://www.simplysupplements.co.uk/healthylife/fitness-tips/the-social-benefits-of-exercise

The Physiological and Social Benefits of Physical Activity... (2016, June 29). Army Cadets. Retrieved May 24, 2023, from https://armycadets.com/features/the-physiological-and-social-benefits-of-physical-activity-for-adults/#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20biggest%20social,greater%20empathy%20and%20social%20skills

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