Your Greatest Gift.... Health

Susan is the best and has been amazing to work with! She has helped me transform my health in three months and had a ripple effect on my whole family.  

At 44, I was feeling tired, had brain fog, my joints were aching and I was stressed from being a working mom with two young kids. My dad had passed away from heart issues at the age of 60 and I had been through many rounds of fertility to have my kids. I knew I had to make some changes to bring my body back in balance. I started working out and wasn’t feeling the results I was hoping for. Susan encouraged me to get specific lab work with a functional doctor which helped us understand the root cause of my fatigue, joint pain and inflammation. We found I was insulin resistant, had micronutrient deficiencies, gut imbalances, a chronic low grade infection (Epstein Barr) causing the fatigue and some food intolerances. Knowing the why behind my symptoms and what foods were causing me issues was invaluable and allowed us to create a whole plan to use food as medicine to reverse my symptoms.  Within three weeks of starting, I was noticing positive changes in my joints and cravings and was motivated to continue the ripple effect.   

I am intimidated by cooking and not very creative in the kitchen. Susan met me where I was and provided a few basic step by step recipes and shopping lists for me that helped me create good habits around breakfast and a packed lunch every day.  She even came to my house for a cooking lesson where we did what she calls a meal prep “power hour” where we batch cooked some lunches and dinners for the week. She is the kind of coach who is available for texts and phone calls with all of my questions even as I am trying to find specific items while in the grocery store.

As I started to learn about how food can reverse health issues, I knew I could help my own children. My oldest had recently been diagnosed with ADHD, learning differences and GI issues. I knew there was a connection between gut and brain health, but she was a picky eater so I didn’t know where to start. Susan helped me to move to a dye free and gluten free diet for my daughter and came to my house and played games with her while she was trying new foods. She taught her about how certain foods could help her run faster, focus better and be her best. She loved Susan and asks for her to come back!  Susan also provided ideas of what to make for my kids breakfast and pack in their school lunch. My daughter’s friends told their moms that my daughter’s lunches look so good and they want lunches like hers! 

As we have implemented diet changes I have noticed my children’s palettes have changed, they are now open to more foods and I can see the changes in my daughter’s ADHD symptoms and GI issues.  After three months of working together, I have so much more energy, I have less brain fog, I have lost over 20lbs and I can fit into some of my old clothes!! I have never cooked in my kitchen as much as I do now. I have the confidence to add new meal options ( I made salmon for the first time!) and my daughters are now asking to help and cook with me! What a gift! I have more energy and less pain when I workout so have now established a better exercise routine. Susan has been a valuable resource for me and my life long health and for the overall health of my family. I am so grateful to her and all her patience and knowledge she has shared with me.

FREE Info Session the next nutrition series with Susan Friday December 9th at 9:30am


Balance Chestnut Hill